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Umineko No Naku Koro Ni Episode 12

Umineko no Naku Koro ni takes place in 1986 during the time frame of October the 4th and the 5th on a secluded island named Rokkenjima (???). The head of the wealthy Ushiromiya family, Kinzoֲ Ushiromiya, who lives on and owns Rokkenjima, is near death, and eleven of his family members arrive on the island to discuss how Kinzֳ…ֲ's assets will be divided once he is dead. Also on the island are five of Kinzֳ…ֲ's servants, and his personal physician. After the eleven family members arrive, a typhoon traps them on the island and shortly after people start to get mysteriously murdered. (Source: Baka-Tsuki)

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